When taking out a new car insurance policy, you will often be asked about your claim-free years. Claim-free years refer to the number of years in which you haven't made any claims on your previous car insurance. These claim-free years can also include any claim-free years you have accumulated abroad. It's important to note that some insurance providers accept and recognize claim-free years earned in foreign countries. These foreign claim-free years can contribute to your eligibility for a no-claims bonus and potentially result in a lower premium.
Third-Party Liability (WA) insurance is the basic auto insurance that is mandatory in the Netherlands for every car. It covers only the damage you cause to others. WA+ insurance, on the other hand, provides additional coverage for vandalism and theft to your own vehicle. Comprehensive (All Risk) insurance covers both damage to others and damage to your own vehicle.
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No, it varies depending on the specific electric vehicle and the insurer. For instance, insurers may have stricter requirements for vehicles with a catalogue value above €75,000. To determine if an insurer imposes additional security requirements for your specific vehicle, enter your license plate number in the comparison tool and check the "policy conditions" section, specifically the subsection on "security." This will indicate whether the insurer has any additional security requirements for your car.
Quickly and easily arrange your car insurance with Car Insurance Netherlands, which has extensive experience with foreign customers and their car insurances.
Drive Your Dream Car Sooner: Get Insured in 24 Hours!
At Car Insurance Netherlands, we understand that sometimes you just can't wait to hit the road with your dream car. That's why we offer lightning-fast car insurance coverage, ensuring you can enjoy your vehicle without any delays. Whether you own a luxury car in a higher segment like vetaakl or any other type of vehicle, we've got you covered.
WA, WA+ & WA++ All Risk