
Does car insurance covers drivers other than you?

Car insurance is an indispensable part of driving. Not only do they provide peace of mind, but they are also legally required in most countries. A common question that arises among car owners is whether their car insurance covers other drivers besides themselves. Let's delve deeper into what car insurance covers and whether there are additional insurances to cover others as well.

The basic form of car insurance is liability insurance, which stands for Third Party Liability. This insurance covers damage you cause to others during an accident in which you are involved as the driver. In other words, if you accidentally hit another vehicle or, worse, injure someone, your liability insurance will cover the costs arising from that damage. This insurance is mandatory for all car owners and is intended to cover third-party damage. But what if you are not the only driver of the car? What if you lend your car to a friend, family member, or colleague? Does the insurance still cover the damage they cause? Fortunately, the answer is yes, in most cases. As long as you have given permission to someone else to drive your car and they get into an accident, the car remains covered under your liability insurance. This means that damage to other vehicles or persons is still covered, even if you were not behind the wheel at the time of the accident.

However, it is important to emphasize that this only applies to damage caused to others. If the driver to whom you have given permission to use your car causes damage to your own vehicle, this is not covered by the liability insurance. For damage to your own car, you need more comprehensive insurance.

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